Alcohol free Cordyceps militaris. 1:3. 50ml , 100ml. Clinical grade
lab/clinical grade
For those who want the benefits of mushroom extract but do not want the alcohol content, please see our special extraction.
We must note the sweetness of the glycerine makes this a WONDERFUL Addition to coffee or cacao
The process involves extraction
1: First alcohol based clinical extraction for full potency of constituents,
2. Reducing this down to a menstruum paste,
3. Extracting the paste with glycerine for a double extraction.
The tincture is made in professional clinical/lab setting for 100% guaranteed none alcohol content and full range of herbal 'medicinal' constituent content.
FRUITING BODIES (Best quality with constituent guarantee for clinical use
Clinically tested and extracted, constituent content guarantee.
Cordyceps militaris
liquid extract tincture
1:3 0% Alcohol